The Blood Wind
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Shetogar Warblade

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Shetogar Warblade Empty Shetogar Warblade

Post  Shatogar Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:16 pm

Player Info

- Name: Davor Hreljac

- Age:18

- Location: Croatia

- Average Availability(Days,hours,etc): About 3 - 6 during the day ( I am usually on much more but I need to study at the time)

- Availability for raids (please remember that raiding is not required!): I have many experience in raiding and I am looking forward to it.

Personal questions

Why do you want to join Bloodwind?
Are you serious? Military? Fighting for honor of The Horde? Being amongst my Horde brethren? That is all that matters to me. To fight along side with my brothers and sisters, to sit during the long cold winter nights by cozy campfire and share the stories of great battles we had.
This guild describes everything I ever wanted from this game.

Can you promise that you will stay loyal to the Guild, follow its rules, and respect its members?
Until my axe falls from my dead hand, I promise

Which Guild have you previously been in, and why did you leave them?
Tried one ( some riffraff clan) but turned out not to be what I expected. No RP at all...

Character Info

Name: Shetogar

Level: 75

Race: Orc ( never played any other race than orc )

Class: Death Knight

Role(DPS/Tank): Both ( Depends what my party requires )

Intended Talent Spend: Blood

Character's [In-Character] Description(MIN 5 LINES): I fought for the Horde in life, I fight for the Horde in death. I respect honor above everything else and those who show none will be slaughtered. My axe will always stand ready to defend my brothers and sisters of the Horde from any harm that dares to touch them. If I enter this guild full of mighty warriors then I want you to know one thing, I will fight along side with you and I will bleed with you. Loyal? Till the day when my beaten corpse falls on the blood soaked floor I will remain loyal to this guild and to The Horde.

Character's reason for wishing to join Bloodwind: Shetogar has always been ruthless and merciless orc. He was raised as a warrior and he died as a warrior. He saw a poster in Orgrimmar about Bloodwind recruiting new hordes to their ranks. After hearing that this guild does all in it's power to defend the Horde he had a huge amount of respect for Bloodwind. He finally felt that this could be a place he was looking for ages, place where he could be at home, place where he would be accepted for what he is.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-24

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